Episode 30 'The Projects Strike Back'

Yes... so it's time to return to the drawing board and crack on with some more projects. The most recent one being a 'creature comforts' style animation for the radio station here in Stoke-on-Trent, Signal Radio, who are setting up a charity to save the local Zoo "Blackbrook". They had recorded interviews with the 'animals' which include a penguin, peacock, stork and a zebra. I was very pleased to take control of the zebra although it was a quick decision from us all (the group behind the Money Tree film) and we have no begun the production stages of making puppets and sets once again.

I really do like to keep busy, and this new project has definately kept me on my toes and will be great practice so as to maintain skills and the mental attitude to freelance work. After getting my final results I have had a few days of doing just nothing (which I felt I quite deserved with a First Class Honours!!) but now it's back into the animating zone.

These will eventually be the fence for the Zebras enclosure - just needs a lick of paint

I really haven't done much with the Zebra itself yet. Just concentrating on getting the shape of the head right. The front of the animals 'snout' will have magnetic mouth pieces to replace for various lip movements when talking.

 I have also been keeping busy with the painting. The canvas has slowly taken shape into the rest of sky but needs some more detail. But I also found a few old videos from College and the end of High School - these were part of a 'Year Video' I filmed and edited for the students. Essentially it was a huge group effort as I filmed everyone in and out of the school in the form of interviews, funny sketches, parties or just general school life. A year book that moves... that's how I saw it anyway. So here's the trailer below (which I showed at the last 6th Form assembly and it seem to go down rather well!)...enjoy

I will keep posting up these random videos because I enjoy watching them as much (I hope) as you do because I literally have lost track with the amount I have made so it still baffles me when I stumble across one - and just think perhaps the world needs to see it!


  1. Congratulations with 1st class Honors! :D , your school life seems to be a lot of fun :D

    http://bisquie.blogspot.com/ (i've changed my url again but I promise I'll keep it)


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