Episode 29 'The Degree Show'

The finale of the year has now been and gone with the success of the Degree Show. This took place last week after the opening show with talks from the faculty and the prestigious Barry Purves. After the speeches everyone looked around the show and took full advantage of the free wine and beer. These were located in to prime areas... photography and graphics.

So the show continued with many guests and family members arriving to see the work put up. The Money Tree Project was put on display in the centre of the animation room. We had to disassemble from the studio and remake sections as we put it back together on a couple of tables.

We managed to recreate the lighting effect similar to that from the studio

I was lucky enough to get involved with the show all week and help out by taking school children around as part of a tour through each department. It gave me a chance to see peoples work more closely and talk to the students behind it all.

We also included models made from other projects. It was all to promote the Stop Motion and Puppet making course.

The last few who managed to survive the three years of University on our course.

When the week had finished we had some really good feedback from the kids and teachers, but also from members of the public. There will be a winner for the best presented room and we perhaps have hinted to the kids that the animation room should be their favourite. We weren't biased at all though, ofcourse! I didn't mind too much, I got paid a handsome £150 for working the week.... bring on the new camera!


  1. I'm glad that things went well, those robot models are so cool


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