Episode 33 'Puppet Making'

Over the past week I have tried to knuckle down and really go for it with Zabrina the Zebra. I have now finished her sculpey body (which will be stationary compared to the rest of her body) and painted her in classic stripe form. I wanted to keep the legs and body as a solid because it would be a strong base to animate from, but also from listening to the voice over for Zabrina you'll notice, as I have, that there is no extreme movements from the animal as it's just a 'creature comforts' style interview. 

some assembly required...

This is what motivates me in the morning... a messy desk!
If everything  is out then the game is on...

I have just finished sticking the body and legs together and now will concentrate on the 'arms' and head. The neck will also be an important body part as it can really help accentuate the movements that mirror Zabrina's snooty personality. Another reason why I have limited the moving parts is because I can now pay more attention to the arms, neck, head, blinking, mouth pieces and animate them in harmony without worrying about  walk cycles or general body movement. This is always a relief for an animator when you can cheat the walk cycle!

So here is Zabrina the Zebra as of 24th September. I am very ashamed at how long it has taken me to get to this stage, however, I am very positive at the final stages and how she has turned out so far. 

Below is a photo that I have drawn upon (very badly I have to note) to give an idea of the final look of the zebra. I haven't decided this but I may find room for a wire tail that can also be animated.

I apologise for the badly sketched arms. And I have to admit that I took those ears from a Google image!

I have subscribed to a Youtube channel which I am going to throw in here because it covers the raw basics of stop motion animation - anything from the general puppet making process to constructing your very own animating table. The latter is something I need to do if I want to animate from home. You've seen my new desk but this is primarily for model making and prep work, whereas I need a base camp for sole animating. And with this new room there is a lot of potential for a decent size table. Anyway, here is a link to that channel...

Even with the rather lengthy process in making these puppets (probably more on my behalf) , the radio station Signal1 is still showing great interest with our work. My fellow colleague May has finished two puppets of the shows presenters Perry and Louise (who are involved with helping Blackbrooks Zoo) and you can check these caricatures ... HERE!

Random Video of the month...

This is from the Minton road trip to Grimsby. The lads from Minton Movie Productions (myself, David Alexander and Neal Bradley) journeyed to this tasty fish town to meet Steven Cummings especially for an Orphan Boy gig. The final gig to be precise...


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