Episode 110 'January Blues. Oh and February. Probably'

As I gorge through a packet of Maria biscuits alongside an ill-timed mug of coffee (it's after 18:00) I consider my options. Having a mental list of things is no good, due to the inevitable subconscious winds of change that blow priorities right out of the other side of your head. I need a physical list. Something that I can pin to my laptop or wardrobe door to remind me of the outrageous number of tasks, jobs, projects, ideas and adventures I try to juggle all at the same time. I say outrageous; perhaps others deem it healthy? Healthy to keep busy and follow such keen interests and hobbies?
    I cannot deny this, of course. Those who choose a career in the arts are blessed with a creativity that can touch many hearts whilst subsequently earning a (relatively modest) living. But I digress; back to this list of mine! Although my love of list-making is surpassed only by that of tea-making, I can honestly say that my current (yet to be physical) list has overwhelmed me beyond repair. Words, phrases and bullet-points idly float through the ether of my mind, and my net of stability simply cannot catch them. I have so many things that I want to do and achieve. I have so many jobs that I have agreed to do, whether it's through the animation studio, commissioned artwork or projects for friends. 
    For those who don't know me, my life has been rather chaotic over the past year and I have tried desperately to ground myself. This has been mostly achieved with my painting (such as the exhibition last October) and running (I am currently training for the Cambridge half marathon). I need to keep myself busy; to occupy my mind, or suffer the uncharted depths of subspace and into the outer rims of my thoughts. I am very fond of mixing Star Wars references with my daily troubles. It seems to make things a little less morbid. 

Right. Let's focus on this list. 

Stop Motion Animation

It has been many moons since my last report on anything animation related. Mostly because the projects I work on are rather 'hush-hush' and cannot be exposed to social media. You know how it goes; keep it secret, keep it safe. Even now, posting these photographs below may put me at great risk. But luckily, nobody reads this blog so I personally warrant the exposure!

One of my greatest rigs was constructed last month. It was a rotating mechanism that, upon turning one axis, turned a series of discs all fixed at different points (see video below for reference).

This would become the rig that powered the 'waves' for a particular sequence in an upcoming animated feature film. What we animated and shot was ultimately for the teaser only, but I do believe that the production has been green lit and I can begin to assemble my team! The film will be prominently 2D, with a mixture of stop motion and cut out backgrounds. And due to the stop motion department consisting of, well... me! I was able to animate the Wave Machine #5. Which was nice. 

Here is the end result...

The general outlook I have with my stop motion career is hesitant at best. My previous blog posts have talked about my purpose (or at least questioned it) and what the next stage might be. Current circumstances could suggest a completely new start, but again I hesitate. Many friends and colleagues have prompted that I contact some of the big names in stop motion (not to disrespect the studio I presently work at) and join a big scale production. This will always be tempting for me, especially with Aardman. It was because of this legendary Bristol-based studio that I started my journey in animation and it has been a life long ambition to work under their banner. 
    But something is holding me back and I cannot put my finger on it. My love for Portugal certainly plays a role in any decisions I make for the future. I will not live in the UK again, I am convinced of this. Although, I would entertain the idea of returning for a project. Laika studios in Portland is much too far away, despite my friend Alan telling me that Teri Hatcher just popped in for some Coraline press. We both have been in love with her for a while now. So perhaps it wouldn't work out. 

Another approach I can take (in regards to fresh motivation) would be to choose one of my past scripts and give it an update or treatment. Then I could present the idea to a studio for developing and possibly put into production. Sardinha em Lata (the studio I currently work at) has supported those who have pitched their ideas forth, but I need to stipulate that I cannot possibly lead the production. My confidence is not there. It dwells only in that which I can build, sculpt and paint. In fact, I need to re-think all of this now. Is it possible to produce a teaser all by myself? Damn it, I need my own studio. 

Oh and Monstra Festival is happening next month! I really ought to dedicate a post to this wonderful Lisbon-based animation festival, but alas, now is not the time. There will be some episodes of Alice's Diary screening at the Sao Jorge cinema (check the website link for details) and I have been putting together the exhibition display to accompany this. It was strangely nostalgic; to delve back into the boxes of old, picking out treasures that the art department had built over a year ago.

Will the mouse escape the jaws of death and make it to the exhibition?
Find out in next week's episode...

The campervan

And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the Campervan passed out of all knowledge. Until, when chance came, it ensnared the mysterious traveller and his will to redecorate. 

Darkness crept back into the forests of the world. Rumour grew of a shadow in the East, whispers of a nameless adventure, and the Campervan of hope perceived its time had come. 

Oh please forgive me Phillipa Boyens and Fran Walsh, for plagiarising your words. They were taken by the dark powers, tortured and mutilated. And now... perfected. My driving Rebel Scum (the name of my campervan). And to be precise it would be the Rebel Scum Mark II. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid.

I could easily ramble on with many Lord of the Rings and Star Wars references and altered quotes, but this would become a very long blog post indeed. My point is, the time has come for me to fix up the interior once and for all. Having the opportunity to redesign the insides of the van is a bold move on a financial level. I honestly believe that I am four bolts and a wheel axis away from an utterly redundant vehicle. So I have decided to go cheap on the materials. Actually, the director of the studio himself, Nuno Beato, suggested using 'cork' for the interior wall coverings. He then proved this creative and cost effective technique by showing me his own van, which is also under similar renovation. And being British, I naturally stole the idea.

You can see in the image below that I really gutted the van out. The awful carpet material was finally banished from sight and the lino surrounding the sink area was also chipped off. It [the sink] shall be replaced with a mosaic made from colourful broken tiles (much like what my mother used to create on all of our bathroom floors).

One cork panel stuck to the interior and the new book shelf.

This project certainly has come at the right time. Just like the half marathon I am running (at the end of this week!). I need these personal projects and goals to strive on. And when a task is complete, I simply choose the next one. I am essentially my own walking, talking list. The campervan will never reach full completion, but I can imagine it will look rather lovely by the time Spring rolls in. Then the adventures shall begin!

Water colour painting

I have one commission. Everything else is on hold. It's important to point out that my mind works like a filing cabinet (PT - arquivo?) and when something reaches it's minimum input or concern, I take that 'file' from the cabinet and discard it. Basically, it works as a method to help clear my mind of needless information (of which there is plentiful) so I can concentrate on the now. The painting 'file' has not necessarily been discarded, but perhaps been popped on the 'shelf of consideration'. I understand that I am now creating more work for my conscious to wade through to determine the location of each file. What can I say? I'm an organised mess. 
    Anyway, the painting has unfortunately taken a back seat in my daily life, with only one commission that I am currently working on. This doesn't trouble me so much because other projects resurface for a chance to shine. Maybe I should ditch the filing cabinet metaphor and consider it more like a Wacky Races or Mario Kart; each contender has their chance in pole position, but overall its utter mayhem.

The Art Market

Again, on hold until further notice. There will be a high council of the Curious Creators held next week, where a decision shall be made upon such quests like the art market and future exhibitions. To be continued...

The Future

Fear not reader, this is the end. 

The end of the blog I mean! You have done well to reach this far and I thank you for accompanying me on this rambling journey of words and more words. I mean not to sound disheartened by the affairs of life and will continue to provide more content from my little artist bubble. It is safe in here. And you should feel safe in here too. I'm sorry, I didn't even offer you a cup of tea?! Where are my manners?

My immediate future [goal] is the Cambridge Half Marathon (Sunday 3rd March). My anxiety has been very present over the last month or so, but I guess it's not necessarily the marathon alone that has fuelled this. It's true that I am nervous about the run, however, I believe the main reason might be because it's almost over. Then what do I do with my life? Am I sounding dramatic? Yes, perhaps. 
    I just need these goals in my life right now. They are the only foundations I have. Running has always been the purest form of escapism for me, and I am very good at it. I completed the Two Castles 10km Run with a stonking hangover and a half decent time, for goodness sake! Let's see. I quite fancy running a marathon across the Ponte 25 de Abril here in Lisbon. 

So let's make this bloody list. I have a blank piece of paper upon the desk before me...

It would be very apt to use a movie quote about how the future has not been written yet (Back to the Future, Interstellar, Terminator, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure?) but I have settled for this one from Kung Fu Panda 3 and I quote; 

"Time is an allusion, there is only the now" - Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman)



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