Episode 47 'Dreaming of Scarlett Johansson'

It finally happened. One of my hair brained schemes actually paid off, and it might not even be awarded or met with such enthusiasm as my own. Actually, if there were anyone who understands this achievement of mine you are either a guy who admires female Marvel characters or the nomadic tribe who discovered cheese. I shall elaborate... For those who know me may of heard of my frivolous tendency to have intricate and bizarre dreams, all of which I cannot explain. For those who know me a little more may recognise my erratic notion of enhancing said dreams by eating cheese before bed time. Once thought a myth, I now deem it conclusive that heavily churned dairy products really does assist in the mind bending creation of the best dreams ever. 

Now returning to the topic of Marvel. I have seen the Avengers Assemble film twice in the cinema and think it is quite simply the best superhero movie ever made. Joss Whedon  is truly a legend amongst us; we are not worthy. Each character has their moment to shine, especially those who wear nothing underneath their tight leather cat suits. I am, of course, talking about Scarlett Johansson AKA the Black Widow.

This image will remind you of the enormity of what I am about to tell you. So you take the catalyst of cheese (my choice at the time was Tesco's own mature cheddar) and even indulge in a glass of milk before you retreat to bed. 

It is a tricky business trying to conceive what you want to dream about. Some recommend falling to sleep whilst watching a dvd on your chosen topic (stop those filthy thoughts this very moment). I happened to drift off absent mindedly on this occasion. 

This is a very awesome thing to happen to me, so you have to take me seriously...

But after I fell asleep...

...I had very realistic sexual intercourse with Scarlett Johansson. Schwing :)

It has been a while since my last post and the only reason I have is down to this infection I seem to have still lingering upon my soul. My motivation has been awful because apparently I have 'post viral fatigue' and the nurse even decided to take some my blood for good measure. Watch this space for an update on my untimely end (via my automated blogging assistant R2D2).

I have had moments of productivity however, including putting together another batch of show reels to post off. I have changed the CVD slightly by adding George the Knight on to the disc as another example of ongoing projects post University. I have also included my new business card within the dvd case because, lets face it, my other gray-scale card had a creepy rastafarian toilet attendant on the front. 

So I am hoping that this new design with Barney watching television has a friendlier appeal, especially as I went for a glossy colour finish. Nice. The only problem was my foolishness in forgetting to take away the guidelines from the Photoshop design and leaving blue and pink lines around the back of the card. I solved this by investing in a guillotine and swiftly cutting off the edges to leave me with a slightly smaller, but evidently a more eye pleasing, business card. 

I have signed up to Animateclay.com where many people like myself exhibit their animations and illustrations. It is a really great way to speak to peers and also other animators who are in a similar situation where the job hunting seems nion impossible. As long as us stop motioners keep creating and keep posting then this amazing industry will be sure to live long and prosper (I happened to watch Star Trek last night). 

The Star Waz 'ere photo album, containing some 'spoof' illustrations, is something I was particularly happy about and has had some positive comments from the Animateclay universe. It's one of my favourite styles of painting; water colours on fine liner illustration. I take inspiration from a prestigious and simply genius illustrator Quentin Blake. 

I have been busy with a whole range of projects as usual, all of which are perhaps in limbo due to this untimely exhaustion that has become the bane of my artistic ability. I shall go over a couple of these projects in brief, for I have not fully decided the direction anyway. One idea I have had for a 'card design' involves the same painting style as the Star Wars collection above. But this new series would be based on Harry Potter; the concept being 'if Harry Potter was expelled and had to learn at an ordinary muggle school'. Here is one preliminary sketch below and more shall be added to the Animateclay site (although if this was something I'd want to publish then perhaps I ought to keep the designs to myself for now!)

'it's called football Harry, you don't need a sodding broom...'

The Ninja Turtle sculpt has been completed and is now the leader Leonardo. The original pose was supposed to be for the arms to hold a Bo staff and have the Turtle flying through the air, thus being Donatello. Unfortunately, I had an issue with the glueing process and the arms did not line up properly. I altered this with a lick of blue paint and a couple of samurai swords to give Leonardo a jumping pose.

I will eventually get around to sculpting the other three Turtles, maybe even to pose on the same wooden base. I have learned that super sculpey can still be a little temperamental after setting in the oven. A couple of limbs did warp out of shape and this is the reason why the original pose wasn't viable to create. Oh well, it was good practice I feel. I shall take this opportunity to mention my other model making project that has a patriotic flare to it as it ties in with the Queens Diamond Jubilee. I have taken it upon myself to sculpt Queen Elizabeth II in all her royal glory. I shall, however, give it a bit more of a rock'n'roll appearance (possibly inspired by the other great British Queen) but keeping it all in good taste.  

I was thinking of a more relevant pose for our Lizzie, which would incorporate the 50's era and the swinging dance moves. But when I thought about this idea I really wanted the Queen to have an outrageous pose and I couldn't stop thinking of portraying her in the a Michael Jackson stance. But without treading on any elegance of royalty aloofness I have decided to go with an equally impressive stance. So take a moment to imagine our Queen raising her sceptre in all her glory. I shall get sculpting immediately...

So in the aftermath of George the Knight on his pilot episode there hasn't been any animating just yet for episode two. I am in the process of sewing his boots and generally beefing him up (much to his appreciation) and shall hopefully begin filming at the start of June. This is due to pay day. And pay day gets me the Dragonframe software.. isn't that right Ashley?!! 

I shall depart now and bid you all a very fond farewell. 


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