Episode 43 'The Imperial March'

For the love of my Jesus Action Figure, I have been neglecting you. It has indeed been over a month since my last update, resulting in this outburst. I could perhaps present this post in my characteristically rambling manner but I might erode the keyboard. Therefore, I have decided to upstage the writing and give you a show and tell publication. Here is the month of March shown to you in the visually simple medium of pictures:

March 1st 

Wall Paint became official traders.

March 2nd

Designs for my good friend Peter Kitson concerning his
idea for an animated show called 'The adventures
of Baron Womb and friends'.

March 3rd

Wall Paint's first client for the Leamington Spa area.
Simple but effective. 

March 6th

Drawing practice: the real reason why I
worked at the go kart track for all those years.

March 9th

I became the proud owner of a Hasbro Star Wars toy
stash from the 70's. Only I may touch them.

March 10th

A design put together on Photoshop to show my next
client what her Wall will look like. (They do appreciate
the personal touch).

March 12th


March 14th

I finished the Quentin Blake mural on my own
bedroom wall as a practice piece. 'The Giraffe and the
 Pelly and Me' was one of my favourite Blake illustrations.

March 18th

I updated my website. Feel
free to have a browse

March 17th

I took a drive down to Cheltenham (which seemed quite ironic after losing a fair bit of money on the Gold Cup) to visit my dear friend Elizabeth and proceeded to hike around the town for the incentive of a well earned pint. We climbed (at an insane gradient) a nearby mountain and upon stopping to rest I took some photos of Lizzie for her money raising campaign Ethiopiaid Challenge. Her t-shirt  has some texting malarkey scrawled on it which is just about visible here. If you can see it then please help her amazing cause by donating a little for whatever harebrained and cockamamie scheme she has planned. There are other photographs to be edited that will soon be posted. Watch this space.

March 20th

I have also entered into a charity shindig involving a bike,
riding the bike and riding the bike around the Isle of Wight.
For more information follow this capital lettered word HERE
Also, if you would like to sponsor me then click on this
bizarre word MONGOOSE

March 22nd

Wolverine. This guy just has to grimace and can capture the attention of many
Marvellous fans. So I have decided to paint him and sell him; I am exploiting
Logan's adamantium face cake and shipping him off to the highest bidder. This
bidder was David Lauder (£30 WHAM!).

March 23rd

Me and Leia decide to give it another go. But this is the real thing now;
no more hidden plans, no more of this Obi Wan Kenobi gibberish
and certainly no more ridiculous name calling. 

So yeah... that was what I did this month. Bring on April. 

Just one final thing; I haven't forgotten my animations involving George the Knight and Zabrina the Zebra. They are part of my Easter project (one of the benefits of working alongside the school timetable) where I shall hopefully get some white Newplast and download another trial run of the Dragonframe animating software. Although it's going to be hard to fit everything in now that I need to show the Princess how to drive manual and convince her that the Galactic Empire hasn't taken over this planet just yet. 


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