Episode 24 'The Fellowship of the Studio'

It has been far too long since my last post. And I also realised how I have barely mentioned the insanity of my amazing dreams. They have mostly been inspired by the various horror films I have recently been watching such as Channel 5's The Dentist and new release Insidious. I am pretty terrible with horror films due to my tendancy to jump at any moment, even if it was a knock on the door or a slightly louder 'hello'.

This is besides the point ofcourse... because I must talk about the animating I have been doing these past few weeks. And the reason for lack of blogging is because of this: it's been 9-5 most weeks. I am not a primary animator, however, but still have been doing alot of test animations with Alex Young, whilst Jon and May get on with the main animation with the Fox and Barney.

The extract below is part of the 'bonus features' we shall include alongside the final Money Tree film. This partilcular video is more of an appreciation film for the props, accompanied by Meringue Radio's hit show The Archers.

So as this video should keep you entertained for now... the four of us must press through this final week and really nail this project. We have worked really well together and it will be ace if we finish strong and on a real high.


  1. I went to watch that on Vimeo! :) it was so fantastic, just like wallace and gromit. I love how the animals can walk around and communicate <3 I love it how you have animals in it.


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