Episode 55 'A Disturbance in the Force'

One image sprung to mind when reading the news of Disney's takeover. So I used a bit of Photoshop...

I cannot deliver my usual ramblings today. I was planning on writing a prologue to the FLIP animation festival I am involved in tomorrow and Saturday. But my mind is elsewhere. There has been a disturbance in the force of which I need to meditate upon, as I haven't weighed up the pros and cons yet. I speak of the audacious manoeuvre where the Lucasfilm franchise and stocks has been bought by the ever growing Empire of Disney. I am well and truly lost for words. So whilst I sit here, not typing, below are a couple of videos that are currently aiding the conflict and debate going on in my Jedi orientated mind. May the Mouse, *splutters* erm I mean, the Force be with you.


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