Episode 93 'Return of the Blogger'
Well then! Look who's come crawling back after nineteen months of web page silence (me, I'm crawling back). And with a jolly good reason folks; I simply miss being creative with my writing. I miss summarising my recent ventures with photographs and silly videos. I miss rambling, and getting away with using words like pandemonium and phooey [ exclamation used to express disdain or disbelief. "so phooey to sophistication"]. In reality, I am temporarily working from home, so time is on my side. And why not delve back into the thriving medium of blogging? Why not indeed. Full of top quality content, mixed with the grief and regret of a hangover; a winning combination. I must admit that I am perhaps a little rusty with my wording (at one point I considered Grammarly), however if you bare with me I'm sure we'll all come out of this with something. So what the bally-hey-ho has happened over the last year?!! In the last twelve months I have been given a ...