Episode 91 'Animation in Manchestamation'
If you are looking for an explanation th en, alas, I cannot give you one. Where have you been Thomas? The truth is I' m a laz y git. It take s an enormous amount of energy and discipline for me to sit down and write a load of rambling malarkey. But ramble I must . The deal is this; you suffer the amateur hour that will be my unpracticed writing [typing] and I will buy everyone who likes my blog post somethin g nice (and cheap). There you go; that's my long awaited re-introduction into blogging and it relies heavily on bribary. Over seven months have dwindled away since my last entry, whereupon many significant and bothersome events have come to pass. Don't worry friend! I shan't be divulging into anything politial or socioeconomic because, to be quite frank, I barely know the meaning of those words. Besides, that's not exactly what this blog was originaly about; opinions of the real world ... w ho wants thos e? When you can happily remain in t he quint es...