Episode 70 '2013'
...*yawns* ...*stretches his fingers* It's taken me over ten days to write this blog so there may be some really hurried sections. Or some really naff sections. For this I can merely bequeath you to enjoy the photographs rather than my grumpy typing. There are sentences in past tense, present tense and stuff all over the bloody shop. It's just been all Thunderbirds are go at the studio in Birmingham. So I have decided to summarise my 2013 year in a post with as little writing as possible and as many visual aids (stop that) as I can muster. As the new year has already begun, I shall be typing furiously to finish this post, but have immediately jeopardised this by watching the Christmas special of Father Ted. So fifty five minutes later I can continue. It has certainly been a productive and progressive year for me within the animation industry. I have placed a hat upon my head especially to take it off again to Mr Drew Roper because without the support from him and the ...