Episode 56 'Animate and Create'
I was lost beyond words in my previous post. My ability to think straight was barred by the iron fist of corporate Disney as they took over something that meant a great deal to me. I shouldn't sound too negative, however, because fans should praise the fact that Lucas will not write and direct another Star Wars film. But there is a lingering thought that troubles me; Disney's franchise over Star Wars (SW) could lead to SW Princesses or SW babies (cartoons and nappies), which will destroy this galaxy once and for all. I am still open minded about this fiasco and haven't quite had time to really ponder the outcome. All I know is that there is a great disturbance and I have three letters for you: WTF. I had recently volunteered to help out with the FLIP Festival in Wolverhampton, which would also be my first time visiting the festival. After receiving news that The Money Tree would screen here it felt like I needed to attend, regardless of the volunteer opportunity. It h...