
Episode 113 'My Wet Hot Portuguese Summer'

It has been a long summer, but one that seems to have passed in the blink of an eye. Many things have happened, but I also feel like I have absolutely nothing to blog about. An age has past since the Annecy festival, and I sit here contemplating my 2024 thus far in regards to my life and career. But unfortunately, at the moment my writing currently goes hand in hand with my emotions (an interesting transition from the days of old, where my frivolously upbeat writing about how I built a pirate ship that one time , also seems so long ago) and I find it hard to focus on just the artwork.     Perhaps my sensitive side is getting the better of me. But I do actually have an explanation for this (I think) and it coincides with one of the many personal projects I have begun, now that I am utterly free of everything. My decision to leave Sardinha em Lata (the Lisbon based animation studio) remains steadfast in my resolve, although I do have moments where I miss the studio life. But things are a

Episode 112 'Annecy Animation Film Festival 2024'

I get overwhelmed very easily with the amount of projects I give myself. Some are commissioned pieces and some are actual jobs, but most are personal projects that blossom magnificently for their moment in the spotlight before getting shelved in place of another idea. I don't always believe this a bad thing because it's so clearly a healthy trait to indulge every creative idea that pops into your mind. They all deserve a sketch or treatment.      Right now I am faced with a plethora of thoughts and ideas,  amalgamating into a very interesting looking soup (let's say). I am a big fan of soup, so if it can become a culinary metaphor (as well as a delicious lunch option) then everyone is a winner. So this pot of soup is simmering away and I am getting very excited about it (we are still in the metaphor, by the way). The problem is that I need to distinguish each ingredient (idea/project) before it all blends together to become an overwhelming (but tasty) bowl of food. I want t

Episode 111 'Perspective'

Well, I finally did it. Whether it was due to the overwhelming anxiety-driven previous 12 months or simply pure instinct telling me to take the plunge into the unknown, I left the studio. It was something I had wanted to do for most of 2023, but the need for routine and stability amongst colleagues and friends overcame my adventurous ambitions. I think it helped me, the structure of daily familiarities; not quite a regular yoga practice but it was something.  But as I continued to work on these small projects, my motivation really waned. I must point out that this was, by no means, the fault of the studio. Whatever is happening with me, it's a personal matter (internally, I would say) and nothing to do with the work of others.   And for me to fully reflect on the mental, spiritual and physical factors of Tommy Grainger's life, I packed up the van and went on a six week road trip around Portugal and Spain.  I originally had the idea of keeping a travel blog filled with updates a

Episode 110 'January Blues. Oh and February. Probably'

As I gorge through a packet of Maria biscuits alongside an ill-timed mug of coffee (it's after 18:00) I consider my options. Having a mental list of things is no good, due to the inevitable subconscious winds of change that blow priorities right out of the other side of your head. I need a physical list. Something that I can pin to my laptop or wardrobe door to remind me of the outrageous number of tasks, jobs, projects, ideas and adventures I try to juggle all at the same time. I say outrageous; perhaps others deem it healthy? Healthy to keep busy and follow such keen interests and hobbies?     I cannot deny this, of course. Those who choose a career in the arts are blessed with a creativity that can touch many hearts whilst subsequently earning a (relatively modest) living. But I digress; back to this list of mine! Although my love of list-making is surpassed only by that of tea-making, I can honestly say that my current (yet to be physical) list has overwhelmed me beyond repair.